ISO image file, please follow these instructions to install the program.

iso file you get the message 'Couldn't Mount File. When the installer image is mounted it should open a Finder/Explorer window. ISO image file, and it will appear as a drive on your computer. Then, select Windows Explorer or File Explorer. Note: If you are running a third-party program like Cyberlink or Power2Go, you need to avoid opening the. ISO file (usually named something like BibleWorks10XXX.iso) and select Mount or Mount Image. Navigate to the folder containing the.

You can show your folders by holding the Windows key on your keyboard, and then simultaneously pressing the e key on the keyboard.

The remaining instructions below are for Windows users. If you are running the BibleWorks Mac Installer (native Mac version), please follow these instructions.If you are running Windows XP/Vista/7, please use the instructions below instead.